An idea is born ...

Back in March 2003, Elsie Rose and Cindy Hannah championed the idea that we could make a quilt that graphically represent the contributor’s concept of how, despite our diversity, we all come together in the community of Faith.
Many months in the making ...
It took several months for the 29 squares of cloth to come together. In June 2004, Rosemary Webster, Linda Grosvenor, and Betty Stanley, got together at Linda Grosvenor’s home to layout the design of the quilt and prepare the pieces for sewing. It was a formidable job as each square was slightly different in size and several had to be re-engineered to fit the overall design. Linda then proceeded to sew the squares together.
Following that, Elsie, Rosemary, Linda, Betty, and Alice McGinnis met several Saturdays in August of 2004 to tack the quilt. Elsie provided the rack, the blocking, and the backing material. Once the tacking was complete, Elsie hemmed the edges and Rosemary attached the hanging loops at the top of the quilt.
For all to see ...
The Quilt of Faith is now displayed in the hallway outside the Church Parlor.

Crafted by Alice McGinnis
"Remembering my friendship with Kathleen Lantz. Kathleen had some of these pieces cut but felt she was unable to finish the blocks.
She gave it to me and I thought of no more appropriate place to put it than in this project."

One Family in Christ
Crafted by Linda L. Grosvenor
Design Represents: When my husband and I were married, I was Roman Catholic and he was Episcopalian. I joined the Episcopal Church shortly after we were married. When we moved to Salem, we searched for a local church. We visited several churches in the area, We were drawn to the Salem Presbyterian Church by the wonderful reception of the members of its congregation. They made us feel welcomed and treated us as we were part of the family. We are now Presbyterians. We both feel that our religious affiliations in the past provided a sound basis for our recognition of the openness and tolerant love of the people of Salem Presbyterian Church.
The design of the quilt patch represents that tolerance in that the upper left corner is the sign of the Roman Catholic Church, the upper right, the Episcopal Church, and the center bottom, the Presbyterian Church. We are truly part of the "One Family In Christ."

Crafted by De Davis
"The universe and all that is, and the connection we have.
Some of these items were things I have found out on some nature hike."

Crafted by Wilma Humphrey
"I bought handkerchiefs from Ethel Sullivan's Estate auction. She was a church member and school teacher. Perhaps the hundred of handkerchiefs came from her students.
I had a quilt made with the handkerchiefs and Ethel was able to see the quilt before she died. Circle of Friends was added later to the block by Hannah for this Quilt of Faith."

Crafted by John Spencer Davis
"John had been on a vacation where he got to pet a real wolf at a wildlife ranch. He was very interested in wolves after that.
He picked out all of the fabrics and colors---and asked his Aunt DeDe to help him."

Precious in His Sight
Crafted by Betty Lewis Stanley
Crafted by Betty Lewis Stanley"A childhood song sung at church, "Jesus Loves The Little Children," became the theme for my quilt block. Precious in His sight is how I feel about each child conceived, Infants born are truly a gift from God and deserve love and care.
Red and yellow, black and white are the colors of the four figures in my block and the fabric is significant in that it was recycled from my mother's scarf as well as quilts made for our granddaughters."

Crafted by Elsie Rose and Virginia Nelson
"Homemaker's Club made many Teddy Bears for children. This is one example."

Crafted by Jean G. Robbins
"Joseph's Coat---I love the story."

Crafted by Jo Barnett
"Faith is the Key to Life: learning and growing"
NOTE: Several patches are still missing narrative about their origins. If you have knowledge about the maker, and the basis for a theme of a particular patch, we'd love to hear from you.